How to plan an online meeting?

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Online meetings are part of our daily routine, and ensuring they run smoothly and productively can be quite a challenge. That’s why we’re sharing some tips to help you successfully plan an online meeting.

But before we get to that, let’s go over some key technology considerations:

  • Testing the technology before the meeting is essential to ensure everything works properly and to prevent technical issues during the session.
  • Set up a reminder so all attendees remember to join the meeting.
  • Make the session more interactive by using tools designed for engagement. For example, an online voting platform can streamline and energize decision-making processes.

During the Meeting

  • Take the time to plan and organize everything in advance.
  • Start on time, even if some participants haven’t joined yet, to respect the scheduled duration and avoid overruns.
  • Encourage attendee participation by asking questions that stimulate discussion.
  • Uses visual resources to help clarify complex topics.
  • Keep in mind that you can’t control everything, so be flexible when unexpected situations arise.

After the meeting

  • Send an email or report to all attendees summarizing key points and decisions made during the meeting.
  • Gather feedback from attendees to improve future meetings. Did you know you can also use an online voting platform for this?

In summary, while managing an online meeting may seem complicated, with the right tools and approach, you can ensure its success. Learn more about fostering participation and streamlining decision-making at

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