
V, for Versatile

Remember, remember, customers should not adapt to technology, it is technology that should adapt to customers. Every two weeks we launch new features to adapt to new casuistry. What's yours?

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online voting with technology


Secure identification
Secret vote
Weighted voting
Proxy vote
Quorum calculation
Real time result
Anti-coercion tools
Voting rights
Types of questions
Management roles

Identification is one of the key processes in any electronic voting, whether face-to-face, telematic or hybrid. To prevent a potential challenge from progressing, Kuorum's software ensures compliance by giving the customer a choice between basic identification via token and advanced identification with 2FA or qualified certificate.

But security is not the only important factor in eID processes. Usability is essential to ensure that voters of all ages participate without hindrance. That's why Kuorum's technology makes it possible to design different alternative identification flows for the same vote. In this way, it is possible to maintain the security of the processes and, at the same time, allow each voter to choose the identification method that best suits him or her.

With Kuorum you can also organize assemblies or elections that combine online and face-to-face voting. In these cases, you will be able to disable the second authentication factor for those voters who are present at the in-person event. Or enable dedicated devices, such as Kuorum voting totems, for those who do not have a smartphone. The platform keeps an audit trail of everything that happened on the platform during the event, for your peace of mind and that of the auditors.

In addition, if you do not have an up-to-date database of your voters, Kuorum's forms functionality will be useful for you to collect this data in compliance with the European eIDAS Regulation.

Upload file
Access code

The secrecy of the vote is essential in many electoral processes. Elections of clubs and sports federations or professional associations, as well as union elections, require a personal, free, direct and secret vote. But the secrecy of the vote is not limited to voting in elections. Many organizations, including homeowners' associations, provide in their bylaws for the possibility of making a vote anonymous when requested by a member of the organization.

Some providers claim to offer the possibility of recording secret ballots. But how much truth is there in that statement?

The combination of technologies needed for an electronic vote to be truly anonymous and traceable at the same time is highly complex. At Kuorum we have developed a research project co-funded by CDTI with leading universities in the field of cryptography to reach the state of the art in anonymous voting technology.

Kuorum's anonymous voting functionality allows end-to-end verifiability. This means that, in the event of a challenge, an expert can verify that the results are correct without ever seeing the voting sign of each voter. In this way, a judge can avoid invalidating the vote.

Weighted or coefficient voting is essential for shareholder meetings, neighborhood meetings, land cooperative assemblies and other voting events where each voter's vote has a different weight.

Kuorum allows you to manage weighted voting in a simple way. If you do not grant your voters, as is the case in shareholder meetings, you can enable a registration form to verify their identity and the validity of their shares. The voting platform will automatically weight the vote of each shareholder by their number of shares.

If you have a census in Excel or CSV with the weighting of your voters (coefficient, square meters, etc.) you can upload it to the platform. In the results presentation screens you can choose to show the votes by person, by weighting or both together.
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Many organizations contemplate in their bylaws the possibility of delegating the vote to another member or to a third person. This delegation can be without voting instruction, when the delegating person trusts the judgment of his delegate when voting, or with voting instruction, when the delegating person wants to mark the voting sign for some or all of the voting questions.

Kuorum allows a simple and efficient management of the delegation processes. For organizations that prefer to keep communication flows on paper, by phone or email, platform administrators can enter proxies manually so that all information is captured on the platform. Organizations wishing to digitalize the entire process can enable a proxy voting period in which voters themselves can select the person to whom they want to delegate the vote and, in the case of proxy voting with voting instructions, mark the voting options of their preference for some or all of the voting questions.

Finally, on the day of the assembly, the representative will be able to register his vote and that of his delegates comfortably from a single screen. No need to go through the identification process several times.

The quorum calculation is one of the most tense moments in any assembly. But it is especially critical in hybrid assemblies. Kuorum has both in-person and online access control functionality that allows platform administrators to monitor session quorum in real time, with no detours or delays.

At large events, with dedicated staff in access control, the secretary sees quorum updated in real time as gate staff scans QRs on voter attendance cards.

It is also possible to review the updated quorum at the opening and closing of each question. And once the event is over, a legally valid quorum report can be downloaded from the same platform.

Speed in assemblies and meetings is non-negotiable. Kuorum's technology enables its customers to reduce the average duration of these events by more than 30%. The real-time results functionality allows voters to record their vote in less than a minute and display the results immediately after the question is closed.

In addition, the tool allows the voting to be configured so that the results are displayed as the votes are recorded. And the platform administrator, if desired, can set a maximum time for voting on each question.

The results of this vote are hidden

Vote coercion is defined as the act of pressuring a voter with negative or positive incentives to vote for an option that does not necessarily have to be the one of his or her choice. Coerced voting is not a problem exclusive to online voting, but affects all types of voting, including in-person and postal voting. Each medium (face-to-face, postal and online) has very different mechanisms to prevent vote coercion. For example, in a face-to-face ballot, a booth with a curtain is often used to allow voters to fill in their ballot and place it in an envelope without being observed.

Kuorum allows the ballot administrator to activate anti-coercion mechanisms - such as the ability to overwrite a ballot as many times as necessary before voting closes - which can be very effective, especially in election processes.

Data Protection

Kuorum allows you to manage dynamic voting rights. Kuorum's voting permissions functionality is very useful to unify the census of attendees with and without voting rights in the same file. In this way it is possible to control access to the event and at the same time calculate the quorum without having to worry about the nature of the attendees; assembly members, journalists or technical team.

For example, in shareholder meetings voting, those shareholders who are not present in the physical or virtual room of the event before the appointed time will automatically lose their voting rights.

Another useful application of the voting permissions functionality is the limitation to those voters who are not up to date with the payment of fees. For example, in neighborhood councils.

Physical voting room

Kuorum allows you to create voting forms in a few seconds and in an intuitive way. Add single choice, multiple choice, closed or open lists, ranking and point distribution questions. You can also divide the forms into sections and customize the configuration of certain questions.

The advanced options of question editing allow you to add longer texts, very useful when voting on regulatory amendments of clubs and sports federations and professional associations.

Kuorum is the most versatile tool on the market and allows you to create single choice, multiple choice, image, point distribution, vote weighting, proxy voting with and without voting instructions, free text, choice of date and conditional. Whatever collective decision you want to make, there is a question type for you.

Type of questions
Multiple responses
Type of response

Kuorum is a solution to digitalize assemblies, meetings and elections. Shareholders' meetings, union elections, assemblies of sports clubs or professional associations and neighborhood councils. These are events that, while having in common the need for a secure and legally valid voting system, are very different in nature.

A small association without many staff can entrust the organization of an assembly to a single person. Whereas the organization of a shareholders' meeting of a listed company may involve dozens of people organized in different teams.

Assign your team administrator, supervisor or auditor roles. Each user will be able to access restricted information and perform certain tasks specific to his or her role.

Assign role

So simple that your parents can use it, so agile that your kids won't lose interest. That is the premise for everything we develop at Kuorum. Security and usability are our hallmarks. But don't trust us just because we say so, ask for a demo and see for yourself.

At Kuorum we apply a proprietary technology development system based on two premises: security by default and voter-centered design. Our flows have been tested by millions of voters of all ages around the world. We place special emphasis on usability for people with disabilities.

We are aware that digitalization only makes sense if it adds value. That is why all our processes have been designed to coexist with traditional systems such as paper and with a human touch.

The entire voter experience is customizable in logo, colors and branding. This is especially relevant for enterprise customers and distributors, such as event companies or law firms. It is possible to create white label platforms, so that all interactions of assembly members and voters with the platform are customizable.

The sending of mass mailings, voting certificates and results reports are also customizable. Your voters will have a fully immersive experience.

In addition, at Kuorum we are a rara avis in our industry because... We are passionate about design! We develop secure, usable and beautiful technology. Your brand image will be boosted in the most important event of the year.

Connect it with your favorite tools

Integrate with leading video conferencing tools to offer your remote voters a seamless experience.

Zoom Logo
Logo Teams
Webex logo
Google Meets Logo
Zapier Logo
BME Logo
Google Spreadsheets logo
Make collective decisions in a simple way

At Kuorum we help people around the world make collective decisions that matter. Tell us your goals and we'll tell you how we can help.

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Legally binding
Lower emissions
Lower costs
Fewer incidents
Enhanced security
More participation
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