Citizen engagement

Open government solutions

Create a citizen engagement website for your city council. Launch polls, forums, participatory budgets, petitions or events.

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citizen participation
Data Protection
Trusted by the most demanding clients
Whirlpool LogoSkydance Animation LogoRemica LogoAsus logoFerrovial logoDamm LogoAdmiral Seguros LogoBarcelona City Hall LogoLogo Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC)Atlantica LogoAERCE LogoCovestro LogoCaixabank LogoCapgemini logoClece LogoRed Cross LogoDeloitte LogoBayer LogoDanone LogoFedit LogoF.C. Barcelona logoEurocaja Rural LogoMercasa logoFujitsu LogoNovo Nordisk logoMitek LogoOrganización Médica Colegial logoOrange LogoOracle LogoRed Eléctrica Española logoRoyal Spanish Sailing Federation logoRemica LogoSkydance Animation LogoUNWTO LogoJohnson Controls Tyco logo
How does it work?
participatory budgets
Choose the phases
Download reports
your voters
participation census manager
Upload your
bulk email engine
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Share voting
Choose the phases
Download reports
your voters

Participatory budgeting

  • Launch participatory budgets that comply with your regulations.
  • Choose the phases: proposal formulations, technical evaluation, voting and results phase.
  • Identify your citizens by cross-referencing data with the registry.
  • Download the results in Excel or PDF.
Upload your

Participation Census Manager

  • Allow your citizens to register with an email address
  • You will be able to choose for which processes stronger identification is needed.
  • Upload a pre-existing census - for instance, a list of local association.
  • Segment your audiences and create intelligent filters.
Filter by
Share voting
Email blasts
  • Send mass mailings to your users and invite them to participate or keep them informed about the return of your processes.
  • Use the census manager's smart filters to target only people interested in each topic - for example, those who participated in a certain survey.
Count on the best service
Easy to use
Here's how we can help you

Our clients get more participation with less effort

participatory voting success story
Barcelona City Council

"Talent, predisposition and dedication. What more can you ask from a company that provides, in an agile and easy way, an essential service these days."

Nacho Santillana
IT Director
Read case study
Want to know more?

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