We helped Ferrovial to design solutions based on digital participation.

Ferrovial collects and treats the waste produced by more than 27 million citizens every year. Its sophisticated management systems enable it to continuously optimize the service. But the final result by which the company is evaluated does not depend entirely on its capabilities, but is also linked to the level of awareness of its beneficiaries, the citizens. The socio-demographic and cultural characteristics of a city strongly condition the success or failure of cleaning projects. That is why Ferrovial decided to rely on Kuorum to create a new service that would take into account the real needs and interests of citizens from the initial design stages.

Our client

Kuorum is a technology that allows companies and governments to involve citizens in the design of public services and policies. Our clients in six countries launch surveys, debates, consultations and other participatory processes that allow not only to study public opinion but also to assign a leading role to the citizen in the construction of the city. By combining online data collection with street surveys, focus groups and other quantitative and qualitative methods, we can draw a detailed map of citizens' habits and customs and the motivations that drive them to act in a certain way. This allows us to propose disruptive solutions to everyday problems that would otherwise have become entrenched once the service is in place.

"We wanted to listen to citizens' proposals."
We helped Ferrovial to design solutions based on digital participation.

A paradigmatic example is the management of the organic fraction of household waste. Municipalities are obliged by regulation to increase the proportion of biowaste that is managed separately. Some service companies simply distribute brown garbage cans throughout the municipality. But this is of no use if citizens do not separate this type of waste in their kitchens. Thanks to our studies, Ferrovial identifies those cities where there is a potential ecosystem conducive to the generation of compost. Cities with ample green spaces in which farmers, gardeners and local residents work together to combine logging waste with food waste to generate compost that fertilizes the agricultural soil. The sense of belonging to the project that is achieved in these circular economy ecosystems is so powerful that some neighbors even become master composters, dedicating free time to monitoring and maintenance of the composting facilities.

In short, thanks to Kuorum's technology and expertise in user-centered design techniques, Ferrovial can develop more efficient street cleaning and waste collection projects. Unlike other companies, Ferrovial designs services that are tailored to the idiosyncrasies of each community, ensuring higher recycling rates. And, as a result, local governments that rely on Ferrovial can meet the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and those set by the European Union's circular economy regulatory package, approved in 2018.

Increased participation
From any device
Voter experience
No incidents

"We managed to listen to the opinion and suggestions of many citizens, which helped us design more efficient projects."

Rosa María Sanchis Juan
Rosa María Sanchis Juan
Development of new business models
Simplify decision making

At Kuorum we help people around the world make collective decisions that matter. Tell us your goals and we'll tell you how we can help.

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We helped Ferrovial to design solutions based on digital participation.