Online voting in union elections

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More and more companies are turning to online voting for their union elections. Online voting is particularly useful for companies with a geographically dispersed workforce. Additionally, in the context of the pandemic, it helps limit in-person contact and travel while ensuring workers’ rights are upheld.

Is online voting legal in union elections?

The use of online voting in the election of employee representatives is not new. As early as 2015, a Madrid labor court ruled in favor of electronic voting. The ruling, issued on September 21, clarified that using this technology is legal as long as the security of the vote and the anonymity of voters are guaranteed.

Labor regulations generally require that voting be personal, direct, free, and secret. Online voting systems can meet these requirements, as well as other organizational aspects established by labor laws and election regulations.

What guarantees must be ensured?

Union elections can be highly contested, so it’s crucial to work with a provider that offers all necessary guarantees to prevent unwanted disputes. At a minimum, two key aspects must be ensured: verifying voter identity and safeguarding data integrity. The first aspect refers to the electronic identification process, which is regulated in many jurisdictions by electronic identification laws and security standards. The second aspect involves issuing verifiable voting certificates that can serve as documentary evidence in the event of a dispute.

If you are looking for an online voting service for your company's union elections, make sure your provider meets these two essential requirements.

What other technical aspects are important?

Another critical factor when implementing online voting is the protection of personal data. The company, through the electoral board, must provide the online voting service provider with the employee census. To do so, it is important to establish a Data Processing Agreement in compliance with international data protection regulations, such as the GDPR in the European Union or equivalent frameworks in other regions.

Additionally, the voting system must uphold key information security principles: confidentiality, integrity, and availability. Certifications such as national cybersecurity standards can help identify providers that prioritize security.

Differences between in-person and online voting

Union elections are complex processes. If online voting is introduced, technology will play a significant role, but it won't be the only factor to consider. In an online election, the roles of the electoral board and election observers may be different, as vote counting is automated. Moreover, voters will likely cast their ballots remotely rather than in the office.

That’s why it's important to consider the level of support a provider offers. Will there be a dedicated helpline for voters to resolve questions and issues? Will the electoral board and election observers receive assistance in carrying out their duties? How long will it take to receive results? Will an official election record be provided for submission to the relevant labor authorities?

At Kuorum, we have been organizing secure online elections for over a decade. If you need support in setting up your union elections, contact us anytime - no commitment required.

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