Cybersecurity for businesses - how to protect your information

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Cybersecurity for businesses is becoming increasingly important in the global economy. Not only for securing the general information of any company, regardless of its size, but also that of customers and employees themselves.

As a digital company, we know that technology is an indispensable element for any organization. And we are aware that it must be used appropriately to avoid risks in information management.

At Kuorum, cybersecurity is at the heart of all our operations. In this post we bring you a summary of essential cybersecurity prevention measures in a company, with which to prevent cyber-attacks and create a cybersecurity culture respected by the entire workforce.

Study your company's data first to find out what type of cybersecurity they require

The first step when working on cybersecurity for companies is to process all the data. This way you will be able to classify them according to their sensitivity and the danger that their loss or theft may pose. In addition, knowing the related legislation will help you to know how to treat and protect them depending on their sensitivity.

An example could be to establish which data is confidential, internal to the company, and which may be public.

Thanks to this study you will know how to establish the correct cybersecurity measures for your business.

Define your company's Cybersecurity Policy

Now that you know what data you need to secure and its sensitivity, it is time to create your own Cybersecurity Policy. This protocol should include such important issues as:

  • Establish access control to information and external storage systems. This will make it possible to know which personnel can access what type of data and who removes material containing information from the facilities.
  • System to create, manage and update passwords for all employees.
  • Which applications may or may not be downloaded on company devices.
  • Confidentiality agreements and be clear about when they are necessary.

Having a good Cybersecurity Policy offers the company solid measures for prevention and accidental loss of data, such as disposing of a computer that contained important information for a department.

When creating it, assess the economic cost, the cost in time and human resources used, and the cost of alternative options. In addition, alert your employees that it should also be applied when dealing with devices and tools for teleworking.

Earmarks a budget line for corporate cybersecurity

In addition to the information and prestige of the business, cyber-attacks also put their own economic stability at stake. According to Incibe, a cyberattack could have an economic impact of up to 75,000 Euros on average.

Therefore, allocating a budget item every year to the company's cybersecurity should be seen as an investment and not as an expense.

We are referring to gestures as simple as buying extra storage space in which to make backups, having a secure cloud in which to store data, and updating software and computer applications, especially after times of absence from work such as vacations.

As for antivirus software, it is not only important to have it, but also to keep it updated. Remember that you can find free tools.

When contracting third-party software, always check that they are certified with seals of guarantee. At Kuorum, for example, we comply with the ISO27001 Information Security standard, audited annually by IQNET.

Do not forget the physical measures of cybersecurity in the company.

In the physical measures section we include the maintenance of the facilities themselves and the protection of information that is in a non-online format. Some examples are the proper maintenance of the server room to prevent fire risks, having an access control system to the offices, locks on offices and cabinets with sensitive material, or storing backup copies in a fireproof box.

Teach your staff how to protect company data

The training of all your employees is essential. In addition to knowing the company's Cybersecurity Policy, it is very important that they know how to distinguish a secure email from a phishing campaign, as well as how to use any external software that contains any type of information. This is the only way to avoid compromising the security of your data.

At Kuorum, for example, every time our clients create their online voting platform, we provide them with the technical assistance they need to learn how to manage the information securely.

And of course, don't forget to always be up to date on cybersecurity in order to inform all departments of any scams or cyberattacks that are occurring.

As you can see, the company's cybersecurity depends not only on the management team, but on every member of staff who handles data. And by data you don't just have to think about IT equipment or servers, but also your business data, your customers' information, your employees' data, confidential information, equipment, facilities?

Create your own information security culture and protect your business, and the people who give life to it.

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