Accessible AGMs for the Third Sector Platform

The case of the Third Sector Platform

The Third Sector Platform is a national organization dedicated to defending the rights and interests of citizens, particularly those living in poverty or at risk of social exclusion. Representing over 28,000 entities, they promote cohesion and collaboration among their members to ensure that everyone feels represented.

The Third Sector Platform holds both ordinary and extraordinary general assemblies in person. While voting by a show of hands can be practical when decisions are unanimous, it becomes tedious and time-consuming when opinions are divided. This client had previously worked with other electronic voting providers but had to switch due to a lack of functionalities tailored to their needs and frequent issues. Thanks to Kuorum, they have achieved fast and accessible access control and voting processes for their assemblies.

Our client

Paperless, stress-free access control

For the Third Sector Platform, it is crucial to ensure that only assembly members present at the event can vote. The attendance confirmation and access control features are therefore highly valuable to them. Additionally, the event also includes attendees as observers who do not have voting rights. These attendees can be marked as present without gaining access to vote on agenda items.

The tool's versatility in managing different attendee profiles is essential for the event organizers. They no longer need to cross off names on paper lists or manage shared Excel files. Instead, they can focus on what truly matters: warmly welcoming their assembly members without unnecessary stress.

"People with disabilities can participate on equal terms."
Accessible AGMs for the Third Sector Platform

Accessible technology

Among the Third Sector Platform's members are leading organizations in the field of disability. For this reason, the accessibility of the technology is a non-negotiable requirement. Kuorum's electronic voting platform is audited annually to ensure that people with disabilities can participate on equal terms. Additionally, our technology is compatible with the most widely used accessibility plugins.

On-site support

Most of our clients use a self-managed technology service. Our support team trains the client’s designated personnel to manage the tool and assists them in preparing their events. Afterwards, they independently handle the tool during their assemblies and meetings. However, an on-site support service is also available.

The assemblies of the Third Sector Platform are complex events, with various teams managing tasks such as room equipment, videoconferencing, and access control, among others. For this reason, it is crucial for this client to have two members of Kuorum's support team coordinating with the rest of the organization during the event.

If you are planning an in-person, online, or hybrid assembly and want to learn how we can help, feel free to contact us

From any device
Automatic counting

"The Kuorum team has helped us implement their accessible technology successfully in our assemblies."

Marta de Asís
Marta de Asís
Project Technique
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Accessible AGMs for the Third Sector Platform
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